Safeguarding and Wellbeing Concerns
If you have any concerns, please let us know by filling out this form. No matter how big or small your concern is you should always tell someone. You can tell us your name, or you can choose not to, but we will always keep your concerns confidential unless we feel that other agencies need to know so they can help us keep everyone safe. The Safeguarding and Wellbeing team at Welsh Gymnastics will try to get back to you in 7 days BUT if you or someone else is in immediate danger please call 999.
Person reporting the safeguarding concern.
Person reporting the safeguarding concern.
Person reporting the safeguarding concern.
Person reporting the safeguarding concern.
Persons Involved
Person who concerns are for
Subject of Concern
Person whose behaviours you are worried about
Are you aware of any local authority /police involvement in this case? If yes, please provide details
Details of Concern
Include all the relevant information, such as detailed description of your concerns and reasons for these. Please describe any injuries or actions causing concern and whether you are recording these as fact, opinion or hearsay.
Please provide details of any one who has shared your concerns or witnessed any incident: Name, Position within the sport or relationship to the individual concerned, DOB, Address, Postcode, Telephone Number, Email Address
Do you have any relationship with anyone involved in this case which could cause a conflict of interest in any investigations? If yes, please describe your relationship

The information you have provided on this form will be used for the purposes of recording your concern. The legal basis for processing this information shall be legitimate interest. The information you provide will be used and stored in accordance with the home nation privacy policy, available on the website below:

Welsh Gymnastics Privacy Policy